Backup of DAOS tier 2 objects

Two options are available for backup of DAOS tier 2 objects.

Option 1: Rely on tier 1 backups (recommended)

This option assumes that you already have a backup strategy in place for backing up .nsf databases and DAOS objects. Refer to the section of this documentationDAOS backup and restore. While this documentation does not address tier 2, the recommendations still apply. A key recommendation is that the deferred deletion interval be set to a period longer than your chosen backup cycle. This approach assures that any NLO files have at least one opportunity to be backed up before they are pruned by DAOS.

To use this approach, you must carefully configure the "push interval", that is, the value of thePush object to store if not accessed for N days field in the server document. The push interval should be at least two times that of the backup interval. This will assure that any NLO file has at least two opportunities to be backed up while it is stored in tier 1. Once an NLO is written, it never changes. Therefore, after the object is pushed to tier 2, there is no need for an additional backup.

If an NLO needs to be restored, put it back in its original tier 1 location. Use the tell daosmgr resync quick force command to adjust the internal object index to reference the restored tier 1 object instead of the tier 2 object that was lost or destroyed.

Option 2: Use features provided by your S3 vendor

If you are using Amazon S3 for tier 2 storage, you may be able to use Amazon storage policies to reduce your storage cost by migrating unused S3 objects to glacial storage. See the Amazon Web Services (AWS) documentation for details.