Advanced Domino TCP/IP configurations

Domino® servers and partitioned Domino servers can have multiple NICs (network interface cards), each with its own IP address.

A single HCL Domino server can have multiple IP addresses if you use multiple NICs that each offer an address, or if one NIC offers multiple addresses. Having multiple IP addresses allows the server to listen for connections at more than one instance of the TCP port assigned to NRPC (1352) or at TCP ports that are assigned to other services such as LDAP or HTTP.

Multiple IP addresses and NICs on a Domino server

Set up a Domino server with multiple IP addresses, each with its own NIC, if you want to accomplish the following tasks:

For a configuration with multiple IP addresses, you must bind each listening port to the appropriate IP address to ensure that each TCP service receives the network connections intended for it.

Note: A configuration with multiple NICs does not increase the number of Domino sessions you can have on a server. In TCP/IP, machine capacity depends on processors and memory.

Multiple IP addresses with one NIC

Reasons to use one NIC to serve multiple IP addresses include:

For a configuration with multiple addresses and one NIC, you must configure the TCP/IP stack and bind each listening port to an IP address.
Parent topic: Planning the TCP/IP network

Related concepts
Partitioned Domino servers and IP addresses
Planning the TCP/IP network

Related tasks
Ensuring DNS resolves in advanced TCP/IP configurations
Binding an NRPC port to an IP address
Binding an Internet service to an IP address