Customizing access to a Domino server

After you set up basic access for HCL Notes® users and HCL Domino® servers, you can customize access to restrict specific users and servers to specific activities.

For information on creating a Domino Web Server Applications Programming Interface (DSAPI) filter to customize the authentication of Web users, see the Lotus® C API Toolkit for Domino and Notes, listed in the related topics.

Parent topic: Server access for Notes users, Internet users, and Domino servers

Related concepts
Controlling Web browser access to files
Server access for Notes users, Internet users, and Domino servers

Related tasks
Denying Notes users access to all servers in a domain
Restricting administrator access
Comparing public key values
Setting up anonymous server access for Notes users and Domino servers
Controlling access to a specific server port
Controlling creation of databases, replicas, and templates
Controlling the use of headline monitors
Controlling access to a pass-through server or pass-through destination
Controlling agents and XPages that run on a server
Controlling the level of authentication for Internet clients
Physically securing the Domino server
Restricting access to a server's data directory

Related information
Downloads: Lotus C API Toolkits