Enabling the Router to look up the sender's Internet address from the Person document

When a Notes® client is configured to send mail for Internet recipients in Notes rich text format, a Domino® server must convert outbound mail from the client to MIME format for Internet mail transport over SMTP. The Domino server responsible for the conversion must ensure that all addresses in the message headers, including both the recipient and sender addresses, are in Internet mail (RFC 821/822) format.

About this task

If the sender's Location document specifies an Internet address, Domino places this address in the From field of the MIME message. However, if the Location document does not specify an Internet address, Domino must obtain the address by other means. By default, Domino forms an Internet address by converting spaces in the user's Notes address into underscores, and prefixing the names of Domino domains in the address with percent signs. For example, a Domino server in the Internet domain converts the Notes address John Smith@Notes to the Internet address Domino determines the Internet domain from the Server document or the Global Domain document.

If your organization prefers to standardize Internet addresses using a format that does not reveal internal domain names, you can specify an Internet address in each user's Person document and configure Domino to look up the specified addresses during MIME conversion.


1. Make sure you already have a Configuration Settings document for the server(s) to be configured.

2. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.

3. Click Configurations.

4. Select the Configuration Settings document for the mail server or servers you want to administer, and click Edit Configuration.

5. Click the MIME -> Conversion Options -> Outbound tab.

6. For the field Lookup Internet address for all Notes addresses when Internet address is not defined in document, choose one:

7. Click Save & Close.

Related concepts
Configuring Domino to send and receive mail over SMTP
Changing the default format for constructing the sender's Internet address on outbound mail
Setting up how addresses are resolved on inbound and outbound mail

Related tasks
Creating a Configuration Settings document
How Domino uses Global domain documents during inbound and outbound SMTP routing