Configuring IMAP client software

After you set up an HCL Domino® server to run the IMAP service, users can access their mail files on the Domino server from any IMAP mail client. The IMAP service supports all IMAP-compliant clients -- for example, Microsoft™ Outlook and Outlook Express®, Qualcomm Eudora, Cyrusoft Mulberry, and PC-Pine.

IMAP clients display HCL Notes® folders as IMAP mailboxes. When users receive or delete documents in an IMAP mailbox, the changes also occur in the Notes folder, and vice versa.

Users can access their mail files from both an IMAP client and the Notes mail client. Domino IMAP clients can send mail to other Notes users and to IMAP and POP3 clients on the Domino mail system or other mail systems.

The specifics of configuring IMAP client software differ for each product.

Table 1. General IMAP client requirements
Incoming mail (IMAP) serverThe fully qualified host name of the Domino server running the IMAP service.
Outgoing mail (SMTP) serverThe fully qualified host name of a server running SMTP to which the user can send mail addressed to intranet or Internet recipients. The SMTP server may be the Domino server running the IMAP service, a different Domino server, or a non-Domino SMTP server.
Authentication required to send outbound mailSpecifies whether the configured SMTP server requires users to provide a name and password before they can send outgoing messages.
Account/Login nameThe name by which the user authenticates with the Domino server. Valid user name values depend on the setting in the Internet authentication field of the Server document.
PasswordThe Internet password from the user's Person document.
E-mail addressThe Internet address specified in the user's Person document.
Check for messages every (x) minutes.Determines how often the client checks for mail. If the client checks for mail more frequently, it may affect server performance.
Folder namespace prefixesThe root folder path required by some IMAP clients. Most IMAP clients do not need to specify folder prefixes when using the Domino IMAP service to connect to mail files.

Table 2. Examples of configuring PC-Pine folder prefixes
INBOX-PATH {fully qualified domain name of IMAP server}INBOXINBOX-PATH {}INBOX
Folder collections {fully qualified domain name of IMAP server}Folder collections {}

Related tasks
Setting up IMAP users