Before you enable DAOS tier 2 storage, configure a Domino® credential store to store the credentials that are used for connections to the storage service.
1. Refer to your storage service vendor documentation. Create credentials for Domino to use to connect to the storage service. (Your storage service may do this step for you).
2. Refer to your storage service vendor documentation. Create a bucket for Domino to use. (Your storage service may do this step for you). Multiple Domino servers can use the same bucket. You can use any name for a bucket. The following AWS command example creates a bucket named aws-hcl-dominocos at the endpoint us-east-1:
a. From the server console, use the following command to create a named encryption key (NEK) which is added to the server ID file. Domino uses the key to encrypt the credentials that are stored in the credential store.
where <named key> is a name you give the key. For example:
[024C:0008-3848] 04/16/2019 05:04:13.06 PM NEK > NEK credstorenek - Fingerprint 44A5 624A 65CD 1771 F274 4779 C7AB 2FE0 9671 BB30[024C:0008-3848] NEK credstorenek created successfully
For example:
Verify that:
a. From the server console of the server on which you created the credential store, enter the following command to export the NEK from the server ID file to a key file in the Domino data directory:
KEYMGMT EXPORT NEK credstorenek credstorenek.key passw0rd
c. From the server console of each additional Domino server, enter the following command to import the NEK into the file:
KEYMGMT IMPORT NEK credstorenek.key passw0rd
The name in brackets [dominocos] is used as the name of the credential in the credential store. You specify this name when you complete the procedure Enabling DAOS tier 2 storageAfter you configure the credential store, enable DAOS tier 2 storage on Domino servers. Follow the procedure that corresponds to your storage service..
where<filename> is the name of the text file with the credentials.
tell daosmgr S3 storecred dominocred.txt
The credentials are added to the credential store with the named credential, for example, dominocos. The text file is deleted when the command completes. No credentials are visible at the console or in log files.
Related tasks Enabling DAOS tier 2 storage Tell daosmgr commands for tier 2 storage
Related reference DAOS tier 2 best practices