Scheduling Notes routing

By default, when using Notes® routing Domino® can transfer messages only to other servers in the same Notes Named Network (sometimes called NNN). To extend Notes routing beyond a single Notes Named Network you must create Connection documents in the Domino Directory and specify a routing schedule. Domino does not automatically create Connection documents for mail routing.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have already created the necessary Connection documents. Refer to the information on setting up server-to-server connections later in this topic.

About this task

Default schedule

By default, Connection documents instruct the Router to connect to the destination server to transfer mail every six hours between 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM, or whenever the number of pending messages in MAIL.BOX reaches 5. You can customize the schedule to specify the number of pending messages that trigger routing, as well as the day, time range, and repeat interval for a connection.

Using Connection documents to control routing within a Notes Named Network

You can use Connection documents to restrict routing within a Notes Named Network to a specified schedule. Connection documents apply to both Notes routing and SMTP routing. In the absence of any Connection documents, the Router transfers all mail within a Notes Named Network immediately, except for low-priority messages. If the Router is configured to use both SMTP and Notes routing, it queues messages pending in MAIL.BOX for each protocol separately. Regardless of the schedule, high-priority messages continue to route immediately.

Forcing mail to route to a specific server

To force the server to immediately route all pending mail to another server, use the Route command at the server console.

Routing schedules and low-priority messages

Routing schedules in Connection documents do not apply to low-priority messages. Low-priority messages route only during the configured low-priority mail interval, even among servers in the same Notes named network.

You can configure Domino to designate messages over a certain size as low-priority and send them when the server is less busy.


1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.

2. Click Connections.

3. Select the Connection document for the server connection you want to configure, and click Edit Connection.

4. Click the Schedule tab, and complete these fields in the Scheduled Connection section:

5. Click the Replication/Routing tab and complete these fields in the Routing section.
6. Click Save & Close:

7. The change takes effect after the next Router configuration update. To put the new setting into effect immediately, reload the routing configuration.


To route mail immediately 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, create a routing schedule for a 24-hour, 7-day period. Then set routing to begin as soon as MAIL.BOX contains a single pending message. Complete the fields shown in the following tables, and then update the routing configuration to ensure that the new schedule takes effect.

Table 3. Scheduled Connection section of the Connection document
Call at times12:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Repeat intervalBlank
Days of weekSelect Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

Table 4. Routing section of the Connection document
Route at once if1 message pending

Related concepts
Customizing Notes routing
Customizing message transfer
Routing mail by priority
Controlling message delivery

Related tasks
Restricting mail routing based on message size
Setting transfer limits
Recalculating the server's routing table
Routing mail over transient connections
Changing the routing cost for a connection

Related reference