Installing Domino language packs

A Domino language pack contains translated versions of Domino templates and specific core binary files.

Before you begin

Before you complete this procedure, you must install the English version of the Domino server that matches your language pack version. You can't install the Domino server and the language packs at the same time.

About this task

A Domino language pack includes the translated versions of standard Domino templates, such as the Discussion and Mail templates, and specific binary files required by the server. The language pack installer allows you to do one of the following:

You can install language packs using a graphical user interface (GUI) (Windows only), console interface (Linux, AIX, IBM i only), or silently. When you install silently, you must first create the file LPSilent.ini which contains the install parameters that you otherwise provide through prompts during a GUI or console install. If you don't want to createLPSilent.ini from scratch, you can run a GUI or console install on one Domino server to create an LPSilent.ini. Then, use the file to install silently on any other servers. For information on installing language packs silently, see Installing Domino language packs silentlyTo install language packs silently, the language pack installer refers to the file LPSilent.ini for the install parameters that you otherwise provide through prompts during a GUI or console install. .

Currently, you must install each language pack separately. You cannot customize installation to install multiple languages packs at once.


1. Download the Domino Language Pack from the HCL site. The versions of the language pack and the Domino server must match. For example, if Domino 11.0 is installed, you need to download and install Domino Language Pack 11.0.

2. Extract the tar file to a local directory.

3. Shut down the Domino Server. The language pack installer cannot install files while the Domino server is running.

4. Run the executable that corresponds to the desired launcher on your platform.

5. Read the Welcome prompt.

6. Accept the license agreement.

7. Select the Domino program directory in which to install the language pack.

8. Confirm that the Domino server program and data directories are correct.

9. Choose one of the following language pack installation options and then clickNext:
10. The installer validates configuration requirements such as the correct version of Domino, sufficient disk space, and so forth. 11. In the next screen, you take the following steps, depending on the installation type you selected previously.
12. Review your selections and click Next to install the language pack or packs.
Parent topic: Domino server installation