Moving views out of databases

You can move views out of Notes databases into separate view index files (.NDX files).

About this task

This feature is useful for large databases and provides the following benefits:

.NDX files have a limit of 1 TB. The real determination of how large the views can grow is based on application responsiveness or if any other limits are reached before the 1 TB .NDXfile limit is reached.


1. Enable transactional logging in the Server document in the Domino directory.

2. Add the following notes.ini setting on the Domino server, then restart the server:

3. Optional: The .NDX files are stored in the Domino data directory, by default. To specify a different location, add the following notes.ini setting:
4. To use this feature, databases must be ODS version 51 or higher. To upgrade all databases to at least this version, add one of the following settings:
5. Enable the feature on specific databases:
6. Restart the server.

What to do next

Use the following server console command to show all databases, whether they use separate view indexes (NIFNSF state ON), and if so the .NDX file size:

show dir -nifnsf

Use the following server console command to show only information about databases that use separate view indexes:

show dir -nifnsfonly

To disable separate view indexes on an database that currently uses them, run the following compact command on the server:

load compact -c -nifnsf off xxxxx.nsf

Related tasks
Setting up a Domino server for transaction logging