Show Stat Mail

Shows messaging statistics regarding dispatch requests and other messaging statistics.


If you issue a tell router quit command followed by a load router command, or if you issue a restart task router command, all mail.* statistics are reset to zero (0).

You can also see the messaging statistics from the Domino® Administrator by clicking Mail on the Server -> Statistics tab.


 Show Stat Mail


show stat mail

The following table lists and describes the statistics that show how much memory is in use for open messages.

Table 1. Statistics that show memory in use
Statistic Description
Mail.MessageCache.Memory.Cache.MaxThis is constant. The limit in bytes of the size of note memory used for in-process messages beyond which notes will no longer be cached in the message queue entry. If a value is provided for RouterMaxQueueMemorySizeBytes, this statistic will have that value. If a value is not provided for RouterMaxQueueMemorySizeBytes, this statistic will contain the default calculated value.
MAIL.MessageCache.Memory.CurrentThe amount of note memory currently in use on behalf of the router. It includes notes on the MailEvent queue, in the main queue entry, and in process by transfer and delivery threads. It also includes any copies of messages prepared and cached for delivery if multiple delivery recipients are receiving the message.
Mail.MessageCache.Memory.Event.MaxThis is constant. The limit in bytes of the size of note memory used for in-process messages beyond which copies of notes will not be put onto the mailbox event queue. If a value is provided for RouterMaxEventMemorySizeBytes, then this statistic will have that value. If a value is not provided for RouterMaxEventMemorySizeBytes, this statistic will contain the default calculated value.
Mail.MessageCache.Memory.PeakThe highest value seen for MAIL.MessageCache.Memory.Current
MAIL.MessageCache.Messages.AgedThe number of notes cached in the mail queue entry that were closed out due to age. For example, this can occur when a message is pending in a transfer queue in retry, or waitiing for low priority mail.
MAIL.MessageCache.Messages.CurrentCurrent® count of notes cached in all mail queue entries.
MAIL.MessageCache.Messages.PeakThe highest value seen for MAIL.MessageCache.Messages.Current
MAIL.MessageCache.Opens.CopiedCount of message copies taken including copies of messages ready for delivery. This is an optimized way to obtain the message; therefore, higher numbers here are good. The note passed via the MailEvent is considered a copy.
MAIL.MessageCache.Opens.CurrentCount of open message instances (notes), whether obtained by copy or full note open.
MAIL.MessageCache.Opens.Current.PeakThe highest value seen for MAIL.MessageCache.Opens.Current
MAIL.MessageCache.Opens.OpenedCount of message instances that required a full note open including copies of messages ready for delivery. This is an unoptimized way to obtain a copy of the message; therefore, smaller numbers here are good.

Note: Every message found in the mailboxes on startup will be opened in this way.

The following table lists and describes the statistics that show how many messages are discovered by means of the event mechanism versus search.

Table 2. Statistics that show messages discovered by means of the event mechanism
MAIL.Messages.Read.Event.NewNumber of messages discovered by mailbox event notification.
MAIL.Messages.Read.Event.IntUpdateNumber of message updates by event notification done by the router to reflect completed recipients.
MAIL.Messages.Read.Event.ExtUpdateNumber of updates or deletes of messages in mailboxes not done by the router and found by event notification.
MAIL.Messages.Read.Search.NewNumber of messages discovered by searching.
MAIL.Messages.Read.Search.IntUpdateNumber of message updates found by search and done by the router to reflect completed recipients.
MAIL.Messages.Read.Search.ExtUpdateNumber of updates or deletes of messages in mailboxes not done by the router and found by search.

The following table lists and describes mail event statistics.

Table 3. Mail event statistics
Mail.Queue.Event.Processed = 1Number of mail events (i.e. note update, delete) processed
Mail.Queue.Event.ProcessTime.Average = 60Average process time (from dequeue to delete)
Mail.Queue.Event.ProcessTime.MostRecent = 60Most recent process time
Mail.Queue.Event.ProcessTime.Peak = 60Peak process time
Mail.Queue.Event.ProcessTime.Peak.Time =Time of the peek process time
Mail.Queue.Event.Total = 1Total events created (only displayed if Debug_Router_Extra_Queue_Statistics notes.ini is non-zero)
Mail.Queue.Event.Waiting = 0Number of events waiting in queue
Mail.Queue.Event.Waiting.Peak = 1Peak number of events waiting in queue
Mail.Queue.Event.Waiting.Peak.Time =Time of peak
Mail.Queue.Event.WaitTime.Average = 60Average wait time (from creation to dequeue)
Mail.Queue.Event.WaitTime.MostRecent = 60Most recent wait time
Mail.Queue.Event.WaitTime.Peak = 60Peak wait time
Mail.Queue.Event.WaitTime.Peak.Time =Time of peak wait time

In the following table, all time units are in milliseconds.

Table 4. Other mail statistics
Mail.MessagesReenumeratedNumber of messages re-enumerated since router startup
Mail.Queue.Dispatch.ProcessedNumber of dispatch requests that have been completely processed by the router
Mail.Queue.Dispatch.ProcessTime.AverageThe time to process a dispatch request once removed from the queue
Mail.Queue.Dispatch.ProcessTime.CurrentThe time to complete processing of the most recent dispatch request
Mail.Queue.Dispatch.ProcessTime.PeakThe longest time to process a dispatch request after removal from the queue
Mail.Queue.Dispatch.TotalNumber of dispatch requests created by the router since starting

Note: This includes both Processed and Waiting requests.

Mail.Queue.Dispatch.WaitingNumber of dispatch requests currently in the queue waiting to be processed

Note: An increasing number generated over a period of time indicates a backup in dispatching messages on the server.

Mail.Queue.Dispatch.Waiting.PeakMaximum number of dispatch requests waiting in the queue to be processed since the router was started

Note: An increasing number generated over a period of time indicates a backup in dispatching messages on the server.

Mail.Queue.Dispatch.WaitTime.AverageThe average time that router requests have waited in the queue since the router was started
Mail.Queue.Dispatch.WaitTime.CurrentThe time that the most-recently processed dispatch request spent in the queue waiting to be processed
Mail.Queue.Dispatch.WaitTime.PeakThe longest time a dispatch request waited in the queue

Parent topic: List of server commands and syntax

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