You can use a widget to deploy a new feature and corresponding plug-in to an existing Notes® client using a combination of the widgets catalog, an NSF-based update site in which the feature resides, an XML file attached to the widget that calls the feature's update site, and Domino® policy or Eclipse preferences.
Before you begin
This process is written as an ordered procedure and assumes you have a valid Eclipse update site containing a features folder, plugins folder, and site.xml file and that all JAR files in the update site folders are properly signed. It also assumes you want to deploy this plug-in to an existing user such that it be installed, and that any updates to it be automatically provisioned, for that user.
About this task
Once you have performed these steps, users will be automatically provisioned with the feature called by the widget's extension.xml. The feature called by the widget you are about to create will be installed when the user's local widgets catalog is updated. As well, any updates you make to the feature will be provisioned to the user by way of the widget. The client checks the widget catalog for updates periodically and upon user request.
CAUTION: You can use the Features and Plugins option on the Getting Started with Widgets wizard in Notes to simplify the process of creating a feature and plug-in deployment widget. See How do I configure a Features and Plugins deployment widget? in HCL Notes Help for usage details. The wizard especially simplifies the process of creating the widget's attachment XML.
You will use these items to complete the process:
Note: The Start Configuring Widgets wizard dialog (click Getting Started with Widgets in the toolbar or My Widgets sidebar panel) contains Features and Plugins option. This option launches a wizard sequence designed to simplify the process of creating a Notes client plug-in deployment widget. The wizard guides you through the widget definition and extension.xml creation process.
Perform the following tasks:
2. Prepare the Domino server and Notes client Perform these steps to install or upgrade your Domino server and Notes client, create the widgets catalog, and specify widgets policy or preference settings for users.
3. Create an NSF-based update site and import the Eclipse updateSite content The update site can reside on any HTTP or Domino server that can be reached using HTTP or Notes NRCP protocols. Importing the update site into the NSF-based update site is the recommended method for deploying features and plug-ins using widgets.
4. Create the widget attachment file to call the feature's update site The widget's extension.xml file will contain an install manifest installfeature snippet with a pointer to the update site and specifications on how to install or update the feature. You can simplify the process described here by using the Features and Plugins wizard in Notes.
5. Preparing for using widgets in the Notes client Perform these steps to start the Notes client, display the My Widgets sidebar panel, and ensure that the catalog server and catalog name preferences are correct.
6. Create the deployment widget You can create the deployment widget directly in the catalog, as described here, or create the widget using a configuration wizard and then publish the widget to the catalog. You can simplify the process described here by using the Features and Plugins wizard in Notes.
7. Test the deployment widget Always test a feature deployment widget before making it available to your users.
8. Communicate deployment to users Tell Notes users how to obtain the widget or inform them they will be automatically provisioned with the widget, and the feature it is designed to deploy, upon their next catalog update.
Related concepts Managing client plug-in deployment Understanding Widgets and Live Text user types Creating a features and plugins deployment widget
Related tasks Place the updateSite folder centrally Prepare the Domino server and Notes client Create an NSF-based update site and import the Eclipse updateSite content Create the widget attachment file to call the feature's update site Test the deployment widget Communicate deployment to users Updating a widget-deployed client feature or plug-in Creating the widget catalog Assigning NOTES.INI or location document settings using a desktop policy Assigning Eclipse preference settings using a desktop policy