Replication or save conflicts

Multiple users can simultaneously edit the same document in one copy of a database or edit the same document in different replicas between replication sessions. When these conditions occur, Domino® stores the results of one editing session in a main document and stores the results of additional editing sessions as response documents. These response documents have the title Replication or Save Conflict.

Domino uses the $Revisions field, which tracks the date and time of each document editing session, to determine which document becomes the main document and which documents become responses.

Replication conflicts

A replication conflict occurs when two or more users edit the same document and save the changes in different replicas between replications. These rules determine how Domino saves the edit sessions:

Save conflicts

A save conflict occurs when two or more users open and edit the same document at the same time on the same server, even if they are editing different fields. When this situation occurs, the first document saved becomes the main document. Before the second document is saved, a dialog box indicates that the user is about to save a conflict document and if the user saves the document, it becomes a Replication or Save Conflict document.

Note: ACL and design changes never result in replication or save conflicts; the most recent change always prevails.

Preventing replication or save conflicts

The following techniques reduce or eliminate replication or save conflicts.

A database designer can do the following:

A database manager can do the following:
For additional information on designing forms and on using LotusScript® see the HCL Domino Designer Help.

Related concepts
Monitoring replication of a database

Related tasks
Consolidating replication or save conflicts
Configuring a database ACL