Setting quota controls for the Router

Set Notes® mail quota router controls to determine when and how Notes informs users that they are at their mail size threshold.


1. Make sure you already have a Configuration Settings document for the server(s) to be configured.

2. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.

3. Click Configurations.

4. Select the Configuration Settings document for the mail server or servers you want to administer, and click Edit Configuration.

5. Click the Router/SMTP -> Restrictions and Controls -> Delivery Controls tab.

6. In the Quota Controls section, complete these fields:

7. If you selected Hold mail and Retry in the Over Quota Enforcement field, complete the following:
8. Click Save & Close.

9. The change takes affect after the next Router configuration update. To put the new setting into effect immediately, reload the routing configuration.

Overriding quotas

About this task

To permanently change a quota, reset its size value. To provide users who are over quota with temporary access to their new mail do one of the following:

Related concepts
Using quotas to manage the size of user mail files

Related tasks
Creating a Configuration Settings document
Recalculating the server's routing table
Setting server mail rules