Controlling access to a pass-through server or pass-through destination

A pass-through server allows users and servers to use a pass-through connection to connect to another server. The server to which users connect is called a pass-through destination. You can control which users and servers can access a pass-through server and pass-through destination.

About this task

If your system uses multiple Domino® Directories, HCL Domino searches only the first Domino Directory specified in the Names setting in the NOTES.INI file.

Internet and intranet clients cannot use pass-through; therefore, these settings are valid only for HCL Notes® users and Domino servers.


1. From the Domino Administrator, click Configuration, and open the Server document.

2. Click the Security tab.

3. In the Passthru Use section, complete one or more of these fields, and then save the document:

Parent topic: Customizing access to a Domino server

Related concepts
Pass-through servers and hunt groups
Editing the NOTES.INI file
Customizing access to a Domino server

Related tasks
Creating a pass-through connection