Assigning SPNs using the setspn utility

The Active Directory administrator uses the setspn.exe utility to define the required DNS names in URLs as SPNs in an Active Directory account. To define SPNs in an account, the Active Directory administrator must belong to either the Domain Admins group or Enterprise Admins group or must have the Validated write to service principal name permission.

About this task

The Active Directory administrator performs the following steps:

Note: If you used the domspnego.cmd utility, the utility generated an output command file with suggested setspn commands for your Active Directory administrator to use to define SPNs.


1. Verify that the HCL Domino® server has a valid Domain Name System (DNS) configuration. For example:

2. Verify that the setspn.exe is installed, for example in C:\Program Files\Support Tools. If it is not, install it from the Windows™ Support Tools package available on the Windows CDs or from the Microsoft™ download site.

3. Run the following command to define each DNS host name you recorded in the previous procedure as an SPN in your chosen Active Directory account. Specify HTTP/ even for HTTPS URLs.

4. Use the setspn command to verify that the SPN is defined properly:

To delete an SPN from an account, use the setspn command with the -d switch rather than the -a switch. For example, you might do this to delete an SPN from one account before assigning it to another account. Remember that an SPN can be assigned to one account only.

Parent topic: Assigning SPNs without using the domspnego utility

Determining if your Domino server is accessed through a DNS alias

About this task

Your Domino server might be accessed through an alias. In DNS, a CNAME (Canonical Name) record may define an alias. In some scenarios, the client browser may use DNS to resolve a CNAME alias to a hostname when determining the SPN for which to request a Kerberos service ticket; in this case you need an SPN defined for the resolved host name that the alias represents.

To investigate your DNS settings for aliases used by your Domino server, from a command prompt you use the nslookup command in interactive mode with debug settings (set d2). For example, to see DNS information that includes which hostname your alias resolves to, enter:


> set d2


If the output of nslookup identifies as a CNAME alias for the hostname, you will need an SPN for HTTP/

Related concepts
Assigning SPNs using the domspnego utility

Related tasks
Verifying that the Domino server is logged on under the correct account
Setting up the Windows service for Domino

Related reference
Examples of account choices and SPNs

Related information
Troubleshooting Windows single sign-on for Web clients (SPNEGO)