Restricting mail routing based on message size

You can set size limits on messages to prevent large messages from consuming network bandwidth. There are two types of message size limits: a maximum message size and a low-priority size range. Messages that exceed the maximum message size are returned to the sender as undeliverable. Messages that are smaller than the maximum size, but that fall within the specified size range, are marked low-priority and routed during off-peak hours (12 AM to 6 AM by default).

About this task

Domino® uses the maximum message size you specify as the upper limit of the low-priority size range. Before specifying a low-priority size range, you must set a maximum message size.

The size restrictions you set in the Configuration Settings document apply to every message the Router handles, regardless of whether the message is inbound or outbound, routed over Notes® routing or over SMTP. To set a unique size limit on some part of your messaging traffic, you must set up distinct routing paths for that traffic and then create separate Configuration Settings documents for servers on those paths. For example, if you want to place a 500KB limit on inbound SMTP mail and a 1000KB size limit on internal mail, create two Configuration Settings documents: one for the servers that receive mail from the Internet that specifies a 500KB size limit and a second for your internal mail servers that specifies a 1000KB limit.

When setting size restrictions, keep the following in mind:


1. Make sure you already have a Configuration Settings document for the server(s) to be configured.

2. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.

3. Click Configurations.

4. Select the Configuration Settings document for the mail server or servers you want to administer, and click Edit Configuration.

5. Click the Router/SMTP -> Restrictions and Controls -> Restrictions tab.

6. Complete these fields in the Router Restrictions section, and then click Save & Close:

7. The change takes effect after the next Router configuration update. To put the new setting into effect immediately, reload the routing configuration.

Related concepts
Customizing message transfer
Routing mail by priority
Controlling message delivery

Related tasks
Creating a Configuration Settings document
Recalculating the server's routing table
Setting transfer limits
Customizing the text of mail failure messages
Supporting inbound SMTP extensions
Supporting outbound SMTP extensions
Setting advanced transfer and delivery controls