IBM i server commands

You can use IBM® i server commands to manage Domino® with IBM i.

This table shows the most frequently used IBM i server commands used to manage Domino with IBM i.

Table 1. IBM i server commands
CFGDOMSVRSet up a Domino server to run natively on your system, or to completely remove an existing Domino server
CHGDOMSVRChange the configuration of an existing Domino server on your system
DLTDOMSHMDelete Domino shared memory
DLTLICPGMDelete all of the objects that make up a licensed program
DSPDOMCSLView the status and jobs of a Domino server
DSPSFWRSCPrint or write to an output file the list of installed software resources.
ENDDOMSVRStop a Domino server. You can choose to stop all (*ALL) Domino servers on your system, or stop a specific Domino server.
RUNDOMCMDRun a CL command in the context of a particular Domino server. This command sets up the environment that allows the command to be run whether the Domino server is active or not.
RSTLICPGMLoad a licensed program whether you are installing for the first time, updating to a new release of a product, or recovering from a lost or damaged state.
SBMDOMCMDSubmit Domino server commands to be run on a Domino server on your system. Unless you redirect it, the output from a Domino server command is displayed on the Domino console.
SETDOMENVSet the operating system job environment to the context of a particular Domino server. This command sets the PATH environment variable, the active directory to the data directory, and can optionally switch to the user profile associated with the server.
STRDOMSVRStart a Domino server. You can choose to start all (*ALL) Domino servers on your system, or a specific Domino server
UPDDOMSVRUpdate specific Domino servers to newer releases. Update all servers, or select specific servers, allowing you to control which servers are configured for specific Domino releases.
WRKDOMCSLSubmit Domino server commands to a specific Domino server. When using the Domino console, you can immediately see the responses from the Domino server.
WRKDOMSVRManipulate certain aspects of the Domino servers on your system.
WRKSBSEnd a subsystem, display the subsystem description, and work with subsystem jobs.

Related reference
Using CL Commands With Domino for IBM i
Typical administrative tasks and their equivalent Domino commands