Obtaining a tuner and creating a transform file to customize Notes installation

You can use an MSI tuner to create a transform file or new setup installation executable for customizing some aspects of Notes® install or upgrade. You can then specify that the Notes installer uses the values in the transform files instead of default values.

About this task

Use this procedure to create an MSI transform file (.mst) using the suppliedHCLNotes.itw and HCl Notes <version>.msi files in combination with the InstallShield Tuner for Notes. Once you have created the transform file (or customized setup.exe) you can use it when installing or upgrading Notes.

Prior to creating the transform, do the following:

Parent topic: Customizing Notes install using the tuner

Obtain and install the tuner

About this task

Creating a transform file requires that you obtain and install a third-party tool such as the InstallShield Tuner for Notes. The InstallShield Tuner for Notes is available for download from HCL. Download and install Install Shield Tuner for your Notes® release. During download, accept defaults and when download is complete click Launchto start the Tuner installation process.

Create a transform file to customize Notes installation and upgrade

About this task

These instructions provide basic information about creating a tuner file (.mst) or creating a new MSI installation executable (setup.exe). For specifics, see the help supplied with the Tuner utility.

Note: Using an MSI tuner to create a transform file enables you to customize your supplied Notes installer, however the Tuner lets you access system settings that can wreck havoc if you make errors. Only tune as needed. When in doubt, there is help provided with the InstallShield Tuner for Notes. Options that are typically configured with the Tuner include program directory, data directory, shared data directory, notes.ini file settings, and install type (InstallType=2 = All client install; InstallType=6 = Notes client only).


1. Start the Tuner by clicking Start -> All Programs -> HCL Applications -> InstallShield Tuner for Notes.

2. As prompted, browse to and select the .itw configuration file, for exampleHCLNotes.itw and click Open.

3. Read the Welcome screen and click Create a New Transform.

4. As prompted, browse to and select the .msi file supplied with the Notes install kit, for example HCL Notesversion.msi.

5. Accept the default output transform file name, for example Notes version.mst, and path.

6. Do not enable the Transform Response checkbox.

7. Click Create.

8. Make any desired modifications to the default settings provided.

9. Click File -> Save.

10. Exit the InstallShield Tuner for Notes.

Example: Add a notes.ini setting to the transform to calls a configuration setup file

About this task

An additional way of customizing install or upgrade is by using a scriptable setup file, for example setup.txt, that is called by the notes.ini setting ConfigFile=name.txt. The scriptable setup file contains the parameters used to complete the setup that occur after, for example, new user installation. In this example, we'll add the notes.ini setting to be used by the transform.


1. Start the Tuner by clicking Start -> All Programs -> Lotus Applications -> InstallShield Tuner for Lotus Notes.

2. As prompted, browse to and select the .itw configuration file, for exampleHCLNotes.itw and click Open.

3. Read the Welcome screen and click Create a New Transform.

4. As prompted, browse to and select the .msi file supplied with the Notes install kit, for exampleHCL Notesversion.msi.

5. Accept the default output transform file name, for example HCL Notes 11.0.mst, and path.

6. Do not enable the Transform response checkbox.

7. Click Create.

8. Under the System Configuration section, click IniFiles.

9. Right-click Destination Computer, select Show Folder and slide to select ProgramFilesFolder.

10. Expand ProgramFilesFolder to show the Notes folder.

11. Right-click the Notes folder and select NewIniFile.

12. Right-click on the resultant IniFile1.ini and rename it notes.ini.

13. Right-click on notes.ini and select New Section.

14. Click on the resultant NewSection1 and modify the following values:

15. Click File -> Save.

16. Exit the InstallShield Tuner for Notes.

Related concepts
Example: Using setup.exe to call a transform file during Notes silent install
Customizing Notes installation
Customizing Notes install using the tuner
Setting up Notes installation using scriptable setup

Related tasks
Example: Using msiexec command line utilities for installing Notes

Related information
Is the InstallShield Tuner for Notes available for download?