tell daosmgr objectinfo <scope> -prefix <string> -olderthan <days> | Shows information about attachment objects, where:
- <scope> can be all (attachments stored locally and in S3), tier1 (attachments stored locally only), tier2 (attachments stored in S3 only), or summary (don't show individual attachments).
- -prefix <string> is an optional filter to show information only for attachments with a specified prefix string in their NLO keys.
- -olderthan <days> is an optional filter to show information only for attachments that are older than a specified number of days. Value is an integer.
Note: When scope is all, tier1, or tier2, output is sent to the file objectinfo.txt in the Domino data directory rather to the console due to the length of output. Use the -o <filename> option to give the file a different name or location. For example:
tell daosmgr objectinfo tier2 -o C:\a\tmp\oi.txt |