Delete person in Domino Directory

You can delete a person in Domino® Directory using these AdminP (Administration Process) requests.

You can delete a person's name with the Administration Process by initiating a Delete Person action in Notes® from the Domino Directory, Domino Administrator, and Web Administrator. The following flowchart shows the sequence of Administration Process requests that occur when you do this. (Boxes indicate requests.) The time chart shown at the end of this section contains the default timing information for each request. You can customize timing through the Server Tasks -> Administration Process tab on the Server document.

Delete person in Domino Directory

Triggered by: Choosing Actions -> Delete Person in the Domino Directory (or clicking Delete Person) and choosing to delay deletion of the name from the Domino Directory. You can also trigger this action by choosing Delete Person when viewing a Person document with the Web Administrator.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: The Administration Process removes the name from the Domino Directory, except from other people's Person documents, and posts the Delete in Person documents request. If you have created a termination group and set up the administration process to add deleted users to that group, the name is added to the that group.

Delete in Person documents

Triggered by: Completion of a Delete in Domino Directory request.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: According to the Execute once a day requests at setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: The Administration Process removes the name from other people's Person documents in the Domino Directory.

Delete in Access Control List

Triggered by: Choosing to immediately delete all occurrences of the name from the Domino Directory when initiating the Delete action or the completion of a Delete in Domino Directory request (if you chose to delay deletion of the name from the Domino Directory).

Carried out on: Each server in the domain.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: Each server in the domain deletes the name from the ACLs of databases for which it is an administration server. In Domino 6 only, deletes the name from shared folders, views, agents and forms.

Delete in Design Elements

Triggered by: Completion of a Delete in Access Control List request on the administration server.

Carried out on: Each server in the domain.

Carried out: According to the Delayed Request settings on the Server Tasks -> Administration Process tab in the Server document.

Result: Each server in the domain deletes the name from the shared design elements of databases for which it is an administration server. Private design elements are not deleted.

Delete in Reader / Author Fields

Triggered by: Completion of a Delete in Access Control Listrequest on the administration server for the Domino Directory (if you chose to immediately delete occurrences of the name from the Domino Directory) or completion of a Delete in Person documents request (if you chose to delay deletion of the name from the Domino Directory).

Carried out on: Each server in the domain.

Carried out: According to the Delayed Request settings for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: Each server in the domain deletes the name from Reader / Author fields of databases for which it is an administration server and that have the advanced ACL option Modify all Reader / Author fields selected. The server scans the databases for shared agents signed by the deleted person and for Private Design Elements (folders, views, agents) signed by the deleted person. Shared agents found are reported in the request's Response document. If Private Design Elements are found an Approve deletion of Private Design Elements administration request is posted.

Delete in Unread Lists

Triggered by: Successful completion of the Delete in Access Control List request.

Carried out: According to the Execute once a day requests at setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Carried out on: All servers in the domain.

Result: Each server in the domain examines every database on the server and removes the person's name in any unread lists.

Get file information for deletion

Triggered by: Completion of the Delete in Access Control List request on the administration server for the Domino Directory (if you chose to immediately delete all occurrences of the name) or completion of the Delete in Domino Directory request (if you chose to delay deleting the name from the Domino Directory). You must also have specified to delete the mail file in which you chose to delete the person.

Carried out on: The deleted person's home server.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: The person's home server creates an Approve file deletion request which provides information about the mail file. This appears in the Pending Administrator Approval view of the Administration Requests database.

Approve file deletion

Triggered by: Completion of the Get file information for deletion request.

Carried out on: The server on which you approve the request.

Carried out: When you manually approve or reject the request.

Result: If you approve the request, the Administration Process creates a Request file deletion request.

Request file deletion

Triggered by: Approving the Approve file deletion request.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Posts a Delete mail file request.

Delete mail file

Triggered by: Completion of a Request file deletion request.

Carried out on: The deleted person's home server.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: The Administration Process verifies that the administrator who approved the deletion has at least Author with Delete documents access to the Domino Directory. Then the Administration Process deletes the file.

Delete unlinked mail file

Triggered by: Completion of a Delete mail file request for a mail file that uses shared mail.

Carried out on: The deleted person's home server.

Carried out: According to the Interval between purging mail file and deleting when using object store setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.

Result: The Administration Process deletes the mail file after waiting a period of time. This delay provides time for the Object Collect task to purge any obsolete messages.

Approve deletion of Private Design Elements

Triggered by: Completion of a Delete in Readers/Authors field request and locating Private Design Elements signed by the deleted person in databases on that server.

Carried out on: Any server in the domain.

Carried out: According to the administrator's discretion.

Result: The deletion is approved and the Request to delete Private Design Elements administration request is posted.

Request to delete Private Design Elements

Triggered by: The administrator's approval of the Approve deletion of Private Design Elements administration request.

Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.

Carried out: Immediately

Result: Posts the Delete Private Design Elements administration request.

Delete Private Design Elements

Triggered by: Completion of the Request to delete Private Design Elements administration request.

Carried out on: The server containing the database with the Private Design Elements.

Carried out: According to the Interval setting in the Administration Process section of the Server document.

Result: Private Design Elements signed by the deleted person are removed from the databases.

Note: If the person requesting the delete action chose to delete all replicas of a mail file, then a Get File Information for Deletion request is created and processed by all servers in the domain. This request is posted after completion of the Delete mail file request or the Delete unlinked mail file request. For each replica of the mail file found on servers in the domain, the Approve file deletion, Request file deletion, and Delete mail file request sequence occurs again.

Timing for deleting user names

Table 1. Timing options
Delete person in Domino DirectoryInterval
Delete in Person DocumentsExecute once a day requests at
Delete in Access Control ListInterval
Delete in Reader / Author FieldsStart executing on

Start executing at

Get File Information for DeletionImmediate
Approve File DeletionRequires administrator approval in Administration Requests database
Request File DeletionImmediate
Delete Mail FileInterval
Approve deletion of Private Design ElementsRequired administrator's approval.
Request to delete Private Design ElementsImmediate
Delete Private Design ElementsInterval

Related concepts
Administration process requests

Related tasks
Deleting a user

Related reference
Delete person -- cross domain administration request