
Determines whether all mail event messages are displayed in the Miscellaneous Events view of the log file.

Syntax: Mail_Log_To_MiscEvents=value

Description: Options for value are:

0 - The router determines whether to log messages to the Mail Events view, the Miscellaneous Events view, or to both views. This is also true if this variable is not defined.

1 - The router ensures that all messages are logged to the Miscellaneous Events view. If a message is typically logged only to the Mail Events view, it would now be logged to both the Miscellaneous Events view and the Mail Events view.

Note: To prevent logging to the Domino® Console, the NOTES.INI variable MailLogToEventsOnly can be set to a value of 1. There is no NOTES.INI setting to prevent logging to the Miscellaneous Events view.

Applies to: Servers and workstations

Default: None, although if this setting is omitted, mail events are not displayed in the Miscellaneous Events view.

UI equivalent: None

Parent topic: NOTES.INI Settings

Related concepts
Editing the NOTES.INI file