Using replication with a roaming server

Notes® files that are specified for roaming are replicated from the roaming server to the user's local computer. These include the user's contacts, bookmarks, notebook or journal, feeds subscriptions, and roaming data which stores roamed Eclipse plug-in data and settings.

When a roaming user logs in to any computer on which Notes is installed, the user's roaming-enabled files are replicated from the user's roaming subdirectory on the specified roaming server to that computer. On the Notes replicator page, the user's roaming-enabled files appear grouped in their Roaming User Applications folder.

All applications that are enabled for roaming appear in the Roaming User Applications folder on the replicator page. Users can disable or enable scheduled replication, but they cannot disable replication for the applications in the Roaming User Applications folder nor for the folder itself.

For Domino® server roaming, the user's Contacts application (NAMES.NSF) may contain the user.ID file and dictionary as file attachments. Some NOTES.INI settings are roamed, and each setting is stored in a roaminguserprofile document in the user's Contacts application.

The user ID is double-encrypted for added security before being attached. Because the user ID replicates, users do not need to copy their IDs to different computers when it is modified, for example, by changing the password. Changes may not take effect until replication occurs. In this case, the roaming user can use the old user ID.

For file server roaming, you can provide the user ID locally on the Notes client or store the user ID in the ID Vault.

Many of the settings in the user's Notes preferences are replicated, except for those that are specific to the operating system's configuration. Examples of preferences that do not roam include fonts, communication ports, background printing, bi-directional language settings, and file paths.

The user's bookmarks application (BOOKMARK.NSF) includes personal Welcome pages, toolbar preferences, all bookmarked applications, folders, icons, other bookmark preferences, and settings for framesets.

The personal notebook or journal application must reside in the highest level of the Notes data directory to allow the application to roam. The default journal names of NOTEBOOK.NSF or JOURNAL.NSF are supported, as well as non-default journal names if they are set on the user's homepage using Options -> Set Notebook.

Other applications that are roamed are feeds subscriptions (LOCALFEEDCONTENT.NSF) and Eclipse plug-in data and settings (ROAMINGDATA.NSF).

For details on settings and applications that roam, see articles at the Support site in the related information.

Related concepts
Replication and Notes roaming user
Understanding roaming users
Scheduling times for replication

Related tasks
Creating a Roaming Settings document

Related reference
Table of replication settings

Related information