Statisic | Description |
DAOS.COS.Downloads.Completed | Number of downloads completed from the storage service to the Domino server. |
DAOS.COS.Downloads.MB | Total size in MB of the downloads completed from the storage service to the Domino server. |
DAOS.COS.Downloads.Started | Number of downloads started from the storage service to the Domino server. |
DAOS.COS.Ops.ClassA | Number of AWS ClassA requests: PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST. Used in determining AWS pricing. |
DAOS.COS.Ops.ClassB | Number of AWS ClassB requests: GET, SELECT, all other Requests. Used in determining AWS pricing. |
DAOS.COS.Uploads.Completed | Number of uploads completed from the Domino server to the storage service. |
DAOS.COS.Uploads.MB | Total size in MB of the uploads completed from the Domino server to the storage service. |
DAOS.COS.Uploads.Started | Number of uploads started from the Domino server to the storage service. |