Setting a subject's access to an extended ACL target

You can set a subject's access to an extended ACL target in a Domino® Directory or an extended directory catalog.


1. Review the guidelines for setting up an extended ACL.

2. Open the Domino Directory or extended directory catalog.

3. Make sure you have enabled extended access for the directory.

4. If more than one administrator manages the extended ACL, enable the advanced database property Allow document locking. Document-locking ensures that only one administrator can modify the extended ACL at a time.

5. Choose File -> Application -> Access Control to open the Access Control List dialog box. Make sure you have one of the following: 6. With Basics selected, click Extended Access.

7. In the Target box next to the Extended Access at target dialog box, expand target categories as necessary and select the target.

8. Next to People, Servers, Groups for the Access List box, select one: 9. To add the subject for which you are setting access to the selected target, do one: 10. For the Scope of Target field of the Extended Access at target box, select one of the following to specify the scope of the subject's access at the selected target. 11. In the Attributes section of the Extended Access at target box, for each of the following select Allow or Deny to set the selected subject's default access to the selected target. 12. Optional: Set form-specific access to make exceptions to the default access.

13. Click OK to save the extended ACL changes and close the Extended Access at target box.

Related concepts
Extended ACL guidelines
Enabling extended access
Extended ACL target
Setting up and managing an extended ACL
Extended ACL

Related tasks
Extended ACL subject
Target scope
Default access compared to form-specific access