Specifying settings for managed replicas

You can specify settings for managed mail replicas on the Mail tab of the Desktop Settings Policy document, generating a policy for all users of managed mail replicas.

About this task

For users affected by a policy, you can use the policy to enable managed replicas.

Users unaffected by a policy may also use managed mail replicas, but configuration must take place on their local machines through specification of values in the NOTES.INI file. This method is not recommended.

In either method, the information is sampled by the Notes® Dynamic Client configuration tool (DynConfig), and the local replica is created and added to the user's desktop and to the replicator. An initial replication (build) of the file is then triggered.


1. In the Desktop Settings policy document, select one of the following options for Local mail file:

2. For each option, specify the following settings. The last five settings are in the Managed Mail Replicas section that appears on the Mail tab if you select either Create managed replica or Create managed replica or convert local replica to managed replica.
3. Specify options for the following settings that also interact with the user's local non-mail replicas.

After you save the preceding policy settings, the process of creating managed replicas for users affected by the policy begins.

A newly created managed replica is initially marked out of service, using the database option (DBOption) bit, until the initial replication pass is complete. In addition, a new database option bit (DBOPTBIT_LOCAL_CACHE) that identifies the local replica as a managed replica is set in the database. This is essentially the only on-disk difference between a standard local replica and a managed local replica.

A managed replica is initially set to retrieve summary data only from the server. As the replicator makes its first pass, it checks to see, for each note to be replicated, whether the last modified time is more recent than (CacheDBInitialFullDoc) days. If so, the replica is signaled, on the fly, to retrieve the entire note from the server. Once the first replication pass is complete, the replica is updated always to retrieve entire documents from then on. In addition, the replicator will build the most accessed views (Inbox, Sent, Calendar...) before marking the replica back in service. After the replica is marked in service, it will be used as the user's mail file.

Parent topic: Configuring managed replicas
Next topic: Controlling the number of managed mail replicas created concurrently in your organization