HCL Notes® clients connect to AUT servers over secure HTTPS connections. Before you configure AUT servers, complete this procedure to create an SSL certificate on AUT servers.
About this task
To create an SSL certificate on AUT servers, generate an SSL SHA-2 certificate in a keyring file, deploy the keyring file on the AUT servers, and import the certificate into the Domino directory of the AUT servers. .
1. Use OpenSSL (available on the Internet) and KYRTool (installed with Domino) to generate the keyring file for the AUT Servers to use. For instructions, see the article on the HCL Software Support site.
2. Copy the keyring file to the data directory of each AUT server.
3. Import the certificate into the Domino directory:
b. From the Domino Administrator, click thePeople & Groups tab and the Certificatesview.
c. Click Actions -> Import Internet Certificates.
d. Browse for and open the local certificate file.
e. Verify that the certificate is selected in the Open Internet Certificates box and then clickAccept All.
f. Click View -> Refresh and verify that the new certificate is now displayed in theCertificates view of the Domino Directory.
Next, create a Configuration document in the Domino directory for AUT servers.
Parent topic: Configuring AUT servers Next topic: Creating a Configuration document for AUT servers