By default, Domino® uses Notes® routing to transfer messages between servers. Notes routing uses information in the Domino Directory to determine where to send mail addressed to a given user. If two servers are in the same Notes named network, Notes routing automatically transfers mail between them. A Notes named network is a group of servers in a given Domino domain that share a common protocol and are connected by a LAN or modem connections.
About this task
To set up routing between servers that are not in the same Notes named network, you must create documents in the Domino Directory to specify how to route mail within the Notes mail system.
One of the documents you create is a Connection document. Connection documents specify how and when two servers connect to exchange mail and update common databases through replication. When you create a Connection document, Notes routing is enabled by default. To route mail between servers in different Notes named networks requires a pair of Connection document, one from each server to the other.
How you create connections for Notes routing depends on:
In small Domino networks, you can minimize the number of Connection documents by using the same document to schedule mail routing and replication. Or you can create a separate Connection document for each task.
Table 1. Typical connections and required documents
One Adjacent domain document if you need restrictions.
Two Non-adjacent domain documents, one in each Domino domain that are not adjacent, to provide restrictions and simplify addressing across the intermediary domain between the first and third domains.
One SMTP connection document to specify the SMTP-enabled server.
1. Create Connection documents to enable message transfer between servers in different Notes named networks.
2. Depending on your messaging system topology, create these documents, as necessary:
Related tasks Creating an SMTP Connection document Creating an Adjacent domain document Setting up routing to non-adjacent Domino domains Using foreign domains to set up routing to external application gateways Transferring outbound Internet mail to an SMTP server over Notes routing