Monitoring replication of a database

If there are replicas of a database, you can use any of these methods to monitor replication daily.

Table 1. Ways to monitor replication
Replication historyRecords each successful replication session for a database. Useful for determining at a glance if a replication is occurring.
Replication Events view of the log file (LOG.NSF)Shows details about replication events between servers. Useful for determining the cause of replication failure and for verifying that the expected number of replication updates occurred.
Replication monitorNotifies you when replication of a database hasn't occurred within a specified time period. A server administrator creates replication monitors as a part of configuring the Event Monitor task.
Database Analysis toolLets you collect replication history, replication events from the log file, and other information specific to a database into a results database that you can analyze.

In addition to ensuring that a database is replicating, you should routinely check for and consolidate replication and save conflicts.

Related concepts
The database replication history
Replication or save conflicts

Related tasks
Viewing replication events in the log file

Related reference
Database analysis