Directory Sync

Directory Sync allows you to sync people and group data from an external LDAP directory into the Domino® directory. Currently data from Active Directory can be synced.

Directory Sync makes it easy for your HCL Domino users to address mail to and see details about users in your organization who do not use Notes® such as Microsoft™ Outlook users registered in Active Directory. With this feature, Active Directory users automatically have Person documents in the Domino directory so that Notes users can find their addresses and other information. Without Dirsync, Notes users must know the addresses of the Active Directory users before they can send mail to them, unless Person documents are added for them manually.

A task called Dirsync synchronizes fields that you specify from Active Directory to the Domino directory. The content of the fields is always controlled through Active Directory.

A hidden GUID field in a Domino directory Person document links it to a unique record in Active Directory.

Directory Sync includes the following components:

Note: This feature replaces the older Active Directory Synchronization feature, which is now deprecated. The new Directory Sync feature is a simpler, more effective synchronization tool.

Related tasks
Configuring Directory Sync
Creating a Directory Assistance document enabled for Directory Sync
Creating a Directory Sync Configuration document
Renaming Domino users when their names change in Active Directory
Registering Active Directory users in Domino
Deleting users and groups
Changing the Directory Sync configuration
Resyncing all data