Time-based execution requests

Time-based requests apply to move database or create replica actions that are part of a recommended resource balancing plan as determined by the Activity Trends tool. These time-based execution requests enable you to enter the exact time that the administration request executes, as opposed to waiting for the standard scheduled processing time.

For each type of time-based request, the following sections indicate the specific database move commands that trigger the request.

Check access for new replica creation

Triggered by: Initiating an action to create a database replica in another domain.

Carried out on: The server that contains the database being replicated.

Carried out: Timed

Result: The Administration Process on the source server checks that the user submitting the request and the destination server have at least Reader access in the ACL of the database. If the user and destination server have the necessary access and if a Connection document between the source and destination server exists, the Administration Process generates a Create replica request in the Administration Requests database of the source server.

Check access for move replica creation

Triggered by: Executing the move database from a clustered server command.

Carried out on: The source server.

Carried out: Timed

Result: The Administration Process checks that the administrator initiating the request has Manager with Delete documents access to the database being moved and that the destination server has Reader access to the database being moved.

Check mail server's access

Triggered by: Executing a move mail file command.

Carried out on: Home server for the mail file as designated in the Person document.

Carried out: Timed

Result: Checks for a Connection document between the old and new mail file servers, and sets up the ACLs so that the old and new servers have Manager access. If it is the administration server of the mail file, posts the Create new mail replica request. If it is not the administration server for the mail file, posts a Promote new mail server's access administration request.

Check access for non-cluster move replica

Triggered by: Executing the move database from a non-clustered server command.

Carried out on: The source server for the database.

Carried out: Timed

Result: The Administration Process on the source server checks that the user submitting the request is the Manager of the Domino® Directory and that the destination server has Reader access in the ACL of the database. Posts a Non-cluster Move Replica request.

Related concepts
Administration process requests

Related reference
Create Replica - Cross domain administration request
Move database from a cluster server
Move a mail file from one server to another
Move database from a non-cluster server