Using directory servers in a Domino domain
An HCL Domino domain is a network of clients and servers whose users, servers, connections, and access control information is described in a single database called the Domino Directory. When you set up the first server in an organization, Domino creates a Domino domain and a Domino Directory for the domain. When you add servers to the domain they pull replicas of the Domino Directory. To create an additional domain and Domino Directory, you perform a first server setup.
Using a central directory architecture in a Domino domain
A central directory architecture is an optional directory architecture you can implement in an HCL Domino domain. This architecture differs from the traditional distributed directory architecture in which every server in a domain has a full replica of the primary Domino Directory.
Planning LDAP features
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a standard Internet protocol for searching and managing entries in a directory.
Planning directory access control
Use the database ACL to control the general access that users and HCL Domino servers have to the Domino Directory. Optionally, use an extended ACL to refine the general database ACL and further restrict access to specific portions of the directory. An extended ACL is available for only a Domino Directory and an extended directory catalog.
Planning new entries in the Domino Directory
The tools you can use to add entries to the HCL Domino Directory are the HCL Notes user registration program, migration tools that are integrated with the Notes user registration program, Domino directory synchronization tools, and third-party LDAP applications. You can also add an entry manually, for example you typically add a group entry manually. You might also develop a custom Notes application to add entries.
Planning the management of entries in the Domino Directory
You can use the HCL Domino Administrator, directory synchronization tools, and third-party LDAP applications to manage entries in the Domino Directory.
Planning directory services for Notes clients
There are a variety of directory services features available to HCL Notes clients.
Planning directory services in a multiple-directory environment
HCL Domino provides directory catalogs and directory assistance to help companies operate in environments with secondary directories.
Planning internationalized directory services
Options are provided for internationalized directory services.
Planning directory customization
You can add forms and views to the HCL Domino Directory to accommodate specific needs of your company. If you use the LDAP service, you can also use the Domino LDAP Schema database (schema.nsf) to define new object classes and attributes to be added to the directory.
Directory services terms
This topic is an overview of Domino terminology around directory services.