Viewing and deleting Internet certificates

When you no longer want an Internet client to use TLS client authentication to access a Domino® server, or a Notes® client to send S/MIME encrypted mail to a specified recipient, delete the Internet certificate from the Internet client's Person document or the specified recipient's Person document in the Domino Directory.

About this task

The client still has the Internet certificate, but without the Internet certificate in the Person document, the Internet client cannot use client authentication to access a Domino server, and the Notes client cannot send S/MIME encrypted mail to the specified recipient.

An Internet client can still access the Domino server anonymously if you have anonymous access set up on the server, or use name-and-password authentication to access the server. A Notes client can still send unencrypted mail messages to the user.

You can also view information about Internet certificates in the Domino Directory.

Parent topic: Internet certificates for TLS and S/MIME

To view or delete an Internet certificate


1. From the Domino Administrator, click People & Groups, and edit the Person document for the Internet user whose certificate you want to view or delete.

2. Click Examine Internet Certificate(s).

3. To delete the Internet certificate, select the certificate and click Delete. Note that the certificate will remain displayed until you exit or save the document.

Related concepts
TLS and S/MIME for clients