Controls the level of port encryption and enables the use of AES tickets. Requires IBM® Domino® 9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 or later.

Description: The advanced port encryption algorithms available for use when connecting to this Domino server.

Syntax:PORT_ENC_ADV=sum where sum is the sum of the values in the following table that represents the options to enable:

Table 1. Advanced port encryption algorithm options
ValueOptionAdditional information
1Enable HMAC-SHA256 integrity protection for the legacy RC4 port encryption.Only useful for resource constrained servers that cannot handle AES encryption.
2Enable AES-128 CBC rather than RC4 for confidentiality and HMAC-SHA256 for integrity. At this time, we recommend using AES-GCM rather than AES-CBC.
4Enable AES-128 GCM for confidentiality and integrity.Current industry best practices indicate that 128 bit symmetric keys are strong enough to guard against attacks based on the classical laws of physics.
8Enable AES-256 GCM for confidentiality and integrity.256 bit keys are expected to provide "128-bit level" protection against attacks based on quantum computing. If AES-256 GCM is enabled without Forward Secrecy, AES-128 GCM is used instead.
16Enable Forward Secrecy for port encryption using 2048 bit ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (FFDHE-2048) Wikipedia page:
32Enable Forward Secrecy for port encryption using X25519 ECDHEWikipedia page:
64Enable AES ticketsUpgrades tickets from RC2-128 to AES-128. Best practice is to enable. Performance impact is minimal.


If both 16 and 32 are enabled then both are used and the output of both operations is used to generate the keys to encrypt the network traffic.

The client side of the network connection advertises which algorithms it supports, and the server selects the most secure combination that both client and server support based on the service-side notes.ini setting. The most secure set of options that are supported by client and server are used. For example, if you enable all options (PORT_ENC_ADV=127), then the options that correspond to 8, 16, 32, and 64 are used and 1, 2, and 4 are not used. When an older client connects to an upgraded server, the older algorithms are used.

Table 2. Description of terms
AESThe Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric encryption algorithm.
ConfidentialityProvides protection against eavesdropping.
GCMGalois/Counter Mode (GCM) provides data authenticity (integrity) and confidentiality.
Forward SecrecyA property of communications protocols that prevents recorded encrypted communications from being decrypted in the future even if long-term keys (Notes® ID files) are later compromised.
integrityProvides protection against tampering.
port encryptionThe NRPC equivalent of SSL/TLS, port encryption provides integrity and confidentiality for NRPC data in motion.
ticketA cryptographically generated secret used to improve the performance of NRPC authentication.

Applies to: Servers

Default: No new options enabled.

UI equivalent: None.


Table 3. Examples
GoalEnabled optionsnotes.ini value
Current security best practices
  • (4) Enable AES-128 GCM for port encryption and transport integrity
  • (32) Forward Secrecy
  • (64) Enable AES tickets
Maximum security
  • (8) AES-256 GCM for port encryption and transport integrity
  • (16+32) Forward Secrecy"
  • (64) AES tickets
Minimum performance impact
  • (1) HMAC-SHA256 for transport integrity and continue to use 128-bit RC4 for network traffic.
  • (64) AES tickets

Parent topic: NOTES.INI Settings

Related tasks
Configuring the level of port encryption and authentication

Related reference