Setting up security for your organization is a critical task. Your security infrastructure is critical for protecting your organization's IT resources and assets. As an administrator, you need to give careful consideration to your organization's security requirements before you set up any servers or users. Up-front planning pays off later in minimizing the risks of compromised security.
Use the following tasks to guide you through your security planning:
This is the process of understanding your organization's business requirements and the service levels that need to be met. Identify all of the components of the business, including those that are not your direct responsibility. Include new acquisitions and any recent spin-offs. As part of this process, identify the trusted network and the non-trusted network. In some cases an extranet may be an extension of a trusted network.
Once you have an understanding of the business requirements, you can then begin to plan the specifics of your Domino® infrastructure, including:
Identify the value of the assets you are trying to protect. Applications in your organization have different values. For example, in most organizations, the availability of the e-mail infrastructure is essential to business, but instant availability of all previous e-mails is less important. Then identify the threats from an internal as well as external perspective. Make sure you understand the potential loss to your organization in the event that any one of the threats is successful. Finally, determine the probability of the threat. For example, an automated attack from a compromised system is a near certainty, a server room failure from water damage is a distinct possibility, while the theft of a server's hard drive from the data center is usually not likely.
There are many different types of threats to any computing infrastructure:
Develop strategies to protect your computing environment
Once you understand the potential threats to your Domino environment, you can create policies to protect each part of your Domino computing infrastructure. This may include developing policies for the following areas:
Develop incident handling procedures
An incident is an unplanned and unexpected event that requires immediate action to prevent a loss of business, assets, or public confidence. All security plans must have an incident handling component, as well as a feedback component for how incidents have been handled. Feedback helps to keep security plans and policies current.
Note: One of the best documents that describes the importance of incident handling is the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Contingency Planning Guide for Information Technology Systems (NIST Special Publication 800-34).
Incident handling includes:
Make sure that your users know that security is everyone's responsibility. Based on your business needs, your should train your users on:
Keep processes current
This step is normally the most difficult, but is as critical as any of the other steps. Take the time to establish a program that will review security processes and procedures on a regular basis. Be sure to link the review to employee training. If changes are made, then employee training may need to be updated.
The Domino security team Every organization should have a security team that is responsible for building, implementing, and managing the security infrastructure.
Security policies You can set up a security settings document to manage and deploy execution control lists (ECLs) and Notes and Internet password settings and synchronization. As these two areas of security are user-specific and are frequently changed by users, you can use a security policy to enforce settings for these areas across the organization, and control the extent to which users can adjust or change these settings.
Setting up an Internet certificate authority A critical area in security planning is determining whether and how to set up a certificate authority to issue Internet certificates. A certificate authority (CA), or certifier, is a trusted administration tool that issues and maintains digital certificates. Certificates verify the identity of an individual, a server, or an organization, and allow them to use TLS to communicate and to use S/MIME to exchange mail. Certificates are stamped with the certifier's digital signature, which assures the recipients of the certificate that the bearer of the certificate is the entity named in the certificate.
Related concepts The Domino security model Domino Change Manager The Domino server log file (LOG.NSF) The Domino Web server log (DOMLOG.NSF) Monitoring events on the Domino system
Related tasks Backing up the Domino server
Related information Contingency Planning Guide for IT Systems on