Create a Connection document in Notes® if the HCL Notes workstation already has a port in common with the server and you still cannot connect to it. If the server port you want to add will be the Notes workstation's only means of connecting with the server, do not use this procedure. Instead, use the Ports setting in the server's NOTES.INI file.
1. From the HCL Domino® Administrator, click the server on which you want to add a port.
2. Click the Configuration tab.
3. From the Domino Administrator's Tools pane, choose Server -> Setup Ports.
4. Click New.
5. Specify the port name and driver, and click OK.
6. Click TCP/IP Options, LANx Options, or COMx Options, and specify information as appropriate.
7. Click OK.
8. Click the Server -> Status tab.
9. From the Domino Administrator's Tools pane, chooseRestart Port. (If you can't see the Tools pane, make sure you are in the Server Tasks view.)
10. In the Server document, click the Ports -> Notes Network Ports tab, and edit these fields as necessary:
12. Make sure that this server is set up to replicate its Domino Directory to other servers, or enter the preceding changes to the Server document on a server that is set up to do the replication, or other servers will not know that they can connect to this server over the newly enabled port.
Related tasks Encrypting NRPC communication on a server port Compressing network data on a server port Setting up Notes named networks Resolving server names to network addresses in NRPC Binding an NRPC port to an IP address Binding an Internet service to an IP address