After you specify recovery information in the certifier ID, when you register users, the user IDs automatically contain recovery information. However, if you specified recovery information after generating user IDs, users must update their user IDs with recovery information supplied by the administrator. Updating IDs with recovery information automatically sends an encrypted backup of the user ID to the centralized mail or mail-in database.
Before you begin
For recovery to work, the administrator ID and the user ID must have key sizes of 1024 or less.
About this task
There are two ways that users can update their user IDs with recovery information:
Parent topic: ID recovery
Sending recovery information to the user
1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab, and then click Certification.
2. Click Edit Recovery Information.
3. In the Choose a Certifier dialog box, if the correct server name does not appear, click Server and select the registration server name from the Domino Directory.
4. Choose the certifier for which you are creating recovery information.
6. Complete these fields, and then click Send:
The user completes these steps.
1. After the administrator sends the recovery information, open the message in your mail database.
2. Choose Actions -> Accept Recovery Information, and then enter your password.
3. Complete these fields, and then click Send.
Backup of recent changes to ID file for user name
Domino automatically sends the encrypted backup ID file to the centralized mail or mail-in database specified by the administrator.
Note: You can store multiple copies of the ID file in the centralized mail or mail-in database. Domino creates a new document every time an ID file is backed up. When attempting to recover an ID file, use the most recent backup. If this fails, use the older versions.
What to do next
Use the NOTES.INI setting ID_Recovery_Suppress_Recovery to suppress the creation of the recovery memo, if you want to suppress the standard message that appears on the recovery email and replace it with a custom message.
Related concepts Editing the notes.ini file
Related tasks ID recovery