for HCL Notes
and Domino
Attachment compression, image optimization and archive tool
Reduce mailbox / DB sizes 50%. Compress attachments 85%.
Attachment compression solution
AttachZIP offers several compression options for existing attachments. Depending upon your environment and desired solution you have the option to choose multiple compression types: Zip, 7-Zip, native Notes Huffman / LZ1. This is the only Notes Compression tool on the market which can offer you this much flexibility!
AttachZIP can convert Notes documents containing attachments as seen in Figure 1 into Zip attachments as seen in Figure 2.
Figure 1
In this particular example the attachments were compressed 81.2% from their raw size. We performed 3 trials which achieved the results below.
AttachZIP reduced the document size 78.9% when the attachments were originally attached without compression.
AttachZIP reduced the document size 53.1% when the attachments were originally attached with native Notes Huffman compression.
AttachZIP reduced the document
size 37.2% when the attachments were originally attached with native Notes LZ1-enabled compression. NOTE: Upgrading to Notes and Domino 12/11/10/9 does not automatically convert existing attachments to LZ1.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
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