PRESS RELEASE: H-Fax Voicemail Center 7.0 for Notes and Domino
With H-Fax Voicemail Center 7.0 Release Version, Enhancements to Fax and Voicemail Processing Increases Speed and Stability New York, NY – March 13, 2015 – BP NotesMail, provider of Crucial Notes tools and Domino consulting services, now offers enhanced faxing and voicemail for Notes and Domino. H-Fax Voicemail Center is a simple and inexpensive fax & voicemail solution for Domino running on Windows platforms. Incoming faxes can be routed to specific people / groups including an option to configure routing based on Caller ID (CID). H-Fax can be used as a replacement for "IBM Integrated Domino Fax" and "Lotus Fax for Domino" which has been discontinued (EOL) by IBM. H-Fax can be configured solely for the fax feature. However, if you are interested in the voicemail feature it supports up to 99 voice mailboxes including call transferring. Incoming voicemails can be routed to specific people / groups. Voicemail notifications can be configured to use the native Notes mail "Phone Message" form. It also allows users to send a voice e-mail (V E-Mail) if they choose not to type a Notes email message.
H-Fax can be configured for Domino 9/8/7 servers running on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms, and it is easy to install. More information on H-Fax is available by going to the NotesMail Website or calling 212-599-2048 x5.
About BP 'NotesMail'
BP NotesMail is an Silver Business Partner specializing in Collaboration Solutions software for over 20 years, and providing Notes tools, hosting and consulting services including Notes and Domino app development, messaging and app migration, system integration, web design, security camera installation and computer repair. Our primary focus is on Notes and Domino as our name might suggest. We differ from other consulting companies since Notes and Domino is our highest priority, and not just part of a broader IT practice. NotesMail's corporate headquarters is in New York, NY US.
Launched in 1994, BP NotesMail offers customized Collaboration Solutions (ICS) software that fit each customer’s unique environment. NotesMail has sold its Notes tools to thousands of organizations including Notes administrators and Domino developers, comprising millions of users. It serves customers in a wide range of industries, such as healthcare, pharmaceutical, automotive, aerospace, communications, electronics, energy, education, government, financial, media, transportation, law, accounting and insurance.
BP NotesMail has delivered ICS software consulting services to hundreds of enterprise customers including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Toyota, Epson, Seagate Technology, Johnson Controls, Siemens, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Illinois, Department of HUD, United States Marine Corps, Missouri State Highway Patrol, JPMorgan Chase. State Street Bank, United Parcel Service, Sony Corporation, Ernst & Young, among others. We have consistently provided technical excellence, outstanding customer service, and innovative products to small, medium and large companies around the globe. With the professional advantage that comes from our command of the diverse, highly-specialized work related to Collaboration Solutions technologies, NotesMail is well positioned to be the vendor of choice for many leading-edge organizations.
To learn more about BP NotesMail's Notes tools and consulting services, visit the BP NotesMail website and Global Solutions Directory.
tags: lotus domino fax server, integrated domino fax, fax for domino, replacement, lotus domino fax, lotus notes fax, h-fax, hfax, hfmc, lotus notes voicemail, lotus domino voicemail
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