NOTE: The Domino administrator must have at least Depositor access to the user mailboxes. After executing the code the Domino administrator can click the Notes status bar to see if any errors displayed.
Sub Click(Source As Button)
' Coded by NotesMail Consulting - www.NotesMail.com
Const TITLE = "Copy Stationery to user mailboxes"
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db, dbDD, dbTarget As NotesDatabase
Dim viewDD, viewSource , viewTarget As NotesView
Dim docGrp, docPerson, docSource, docTarget As NotesDocument
Dim vcColl As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim entry As NotesViewEntry
Dim picklist As Variant
Dim askme As Integer
On Error Goto ErrHandler
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Print TITLE & " >> Starting..."
' Prompt user for IBM DD group
Print TITLE & " >> User prompted to select an IBM DD group."
Msgbox "Select an IBM DD group at next prompt. The Memo / Personal Stationery in " & db.title & " mailbox will be copied to the mailboxes of members listed in the group.", , TITLE
picklist = ws.PickListStrings(PICKLIST_NAMES)
[The full code has been removed since it is now maintained by NotesMail in a product called Mailbox Stationery Manager: http://www.notesmail.com/MailboxStationeryManager]
Reference Sources
IBM Notes 9 - Creating and using stationery
Stationery helps you create an email template with text or graphics, letterhead, and a recipient list that you can re-use. This is convenient when you want to create a newsletter, or if you frequently send a message, such as a status report, in the same format.
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